Friday 6 January 2017

How to Find Contract Jobs in UK

How to Find Contract Jobs in UK

How to Find Contract Jobs in UK .While many people are looking for the security and benefits that come with a permanent position, others prefer the freedom that being a freelance contractor brings. There are pros and cons to contract jobs - the downside being primarily that the job will only last for a specified amount of time and you may not be paid for vacation days or sick days during this period. On the upside, however, you will be able to get some valuable experience under your belt and may form contacts that will prove useful if seeking permanent employment within the industry. Also, some contract workers find that they are offered a full time, permanent position with the company that they have worked on a contract basis for, which is ideal for those who are using contract jobs as a way of filling in time before securing a permanent role.

What Does A Contract Worker Do?

Contract workers may be in any kind of field, from administration to media and from construction to graphic design. The definition of contract work is a role which is only held for a particular time period, from a few weeks right up to a few years depending on the requirements. Often these roles are designed to cover existing employees' vacations, sabbaticals, maternity leave or sick leave. A contract worker may be paid on a variety of terms, with some in longer term positions often receiving a monthly salary and others being paid on a weekly basis. The hours worked will also vary depending on the requirements of the company. Some contract workers are engaged on the same basis as other full time employees while other contract positions only require the worker to come in occasionally or work from home. Freelancing is a specific type of contract work which often involves the worker being essentially self-employed, determining their own hours and working environment and enjoying the freedom of accepting or refusing contracts as they wish. In these circumstances, contract workers are generally paid at the completion of each project.

How To Find Contract Jobs In UK

If you are starting out as a contractor in the UK, you may be looking for advice about how to increase your chances of obtaining contracts and reducing the time in between paid employment. The key is in a targeted approach, and the process involved in finding contract work is different from that involved in seeking a permanent job. Here are some steps to take in finding contract jobs in the UK.

Make A CV

A contractor CV is slightly different to a standard CV for a permanent job. It needs to be tailored, short and targeted, outlining your profile, key skills, work achievements and your career background. It is important to customize your resume to each contract that you are applying for.

Market Yourself

Around 80% of contract jobs are secure through agencies, so you should get yourself registered with as many agencies as possible. You should also upload your CV to online contractor job boards and make an effort to make networking links both online and in person. 

Apply For Jobs

When you have identified contract positions that match your experience and skills, tailor your CV to meet the needs of the position and apply via email. Make sure to keep a record of every application that you send and follow up on it if you haven't heard anything within a few days. Contract work is very competitive, so chasing up contacts and staying in touch with agencies will be the most effective way to ensure that your CV is on the top of the pile.

Preparing For Interviews

Before you attend an interview good preparation is the key to success. Make sure you know what you want to say and prepare responses in advance to the questions that you are likely to be asked. Research the company that you want to work for so that you can tailor your answers to the individual business's needs. Remember that a contract work interview is essentially a sales pitch of your own skills so you need to be proactive and outgoing, really selling your own abilities. During your interview, make sure that you close the deal, asking the interview panel directly for the contract if necessary. You should also make sure that you negotiate your rate of pay at this time too, ensuring that both parties fully understand the nature of the contract, the timings and the conditions of employment.

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Thursday 5 January 2017

How To Find a Job in Australia as a Foreigner

How To Find a Job in Australia as a Foreigner

How To Find a Job in Australia as a Foreigner. Australia is one of the most popular countries for immigrants, and it is easy to see why. The job market there is one of the strongest in all of the world, however the process of securing a position can still prove difficult and daunting. Here, we look at how to find a job in Australia as a foreigner to make it easier for you to know where to begin.

Getting A Visa

The first step to finding a job in Australia from overseas is to obtain an appropriate work permit. You will not be legally permitted to relocate to Australia and apply for vacancies if you do not already have in your possession a valid visa, and therefore submitting your application in good time is very important. You should be aware that priority for Australian working visas will always be given to those who already have experience, qualifications and skills required by shortage occupations, so you should check the up to date Critical Skills List to determine whether or not you are working in a field that qualifies for this status.

Ensure That Your Qualifications Are Valid

Not every qualification from every country worldwide is considered to be valid by Australian employers. You should therefore visit the Australian Skills Recognition Information website which will tell you whether or not your existing qualifications must be checked by a professional body. You may be required to undertake further study or attend a bridging course in order to convert your qualifications to Australian standards. You should state your qualifications on any Australian job application forms in terms of their Australian equivalent.

Choose An Industry

You should make sure to choose an appropriate employment sector in order to maximize your chances of being offered a position. Australia's main industries including mining, agriculture, manufacturing and tourism, and the highest growth areas are mining, tourism, telecommunications and finance. When you choose a shortage occupation, you are improving your chances of obtaining work.

Find Vacancies in Australia

Your search for vacancies should be diligent and methodical. Luckily, the majority of open positions are advertised on the internet, with the biggest Australian job site being SEEK. You should also try CareerOne and Job Guide for general vacancies, while specialized sites such as Graduate Careers Australia (ideal for new graduates), Job Search Australia (for IT openings) and Travel Jobs Network (for hospitality and tourism vacancies) are perfect for those with particular skills. You should also take the time to check newspaper listings for other vacancies that cannot be found online. The Age lists jobs in Melbourne, while the Sydney Morning Herald lists local jobs, the West Australian lists Perth vacancies and The Courier-Male covers the Brisbane area. If there is a specific company that you want to work for, you should visit their website and check its vacancies section. If you have graduated from university recently, one possibility is a graduate scheme which is likely to be advertised on company websites.

Create An Australian Resume

Make sure that your CV is presented in the correct Australian style. You can find out more about this on the CareerOne Resume Writing Guide. You should also take the time to write an individual covering letter for each job that you apply for tailoring it to the exact position. You should supply an Australian telephone number and address if possible.

Try Networking

A surprisingly large number of roles are not advertised online, and therefore making contacts in your industry is very important. Try to join professional associations linked with your trade and register with LinkedIn to make useful contacts in your field.

Target Employers And Agencies

Speculative applications are very common in Australia, so feel free to send a covering letter and CV to companies that you are interested in, even if no vacancies are advertised. You should also send your details to recruitment agencies in the areas you are interested to moving to as they will be able to match you to suitable employers.

Try To Attend Interviews In Person

If at all possible, you should try to be in Australia in order to attend any interviews that you are invited to. There are very few companies that will hire an unseen candidate, however Skype may be a possibility if you cannot be there in person. Employers will want to see your references and work visa documentation, so take them with you.

Be Flexible

If possible, be flexible with your options. If you do not need full time work, you could consider work experience instead or undertake some volunteering in order to gain contacts and further experience in the country which will stand you in good stead when looking for permanent employment.

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Wednesday 4 January 2017

Fastest Growing Jobs In America

Fastest Growing Jobs In America

Fastest Growing Jobs In America
.America is often viewed as the land of opportunity, and indeed the country does boast an especially buoyant job market, however some industries are growing more rapidly than others and these represent a particularly strong employment opportunity for those looking to launch a career in the United States.

The economy of the United States has been projected to increase by almost 10 million jobs by 2024, and as the nation's economy expands, the increase in consumer demand and the shift in demographics is certain to spur on even more rapid growth in employment within certain sectors. Occupational data received from the Bureau of Labor Statistics has now revealed the fastest growing jobs in America, with the top 25 of these having been projected to increase by over a fifth over the coming decade. Here are some of the fastest growing sectors in America today.

Medical Professions

It is a fact that Americans aged over the age of 85 years are the most rapidly growing age group and as this generation age over the next 10 years, it is certain than more medical professionals will be required to attend to the needs of this population sector. Within the profession, the fastest growing roles are most likely to be supporting positions such as physical therapists and occupational therapists (the numbers of which are expected to grow up by up to 40%) as well as physician assistants, with a predicted increase of 30%. While there is likely to be a greater demand for these types of jobs, even the highest paid medical positions such as surgeons and physicians are likely to be more in demand over the next decade with a predicted growth rate of 14%.

Construction Sector

With an ever-increasing population, America's construction industry will require many more employees to be able to perform at the required level. Funding is likely to be increased for a wide range of infrastructure improvement projects nationwide over the next few years and therefore all areas of the construction industry are likely to require an increased workforce in order to cope with demand.

Energy Sector

At the present time, the American energy sector is one of the poorest performing industries within the nation's infrastructure. The growing population of the country is placing an ever higher demand for energy and therefore an increased workforce is necessary to handle this growth. With traditional energy methods likely to begin to struggle to cope with this increase, it is highly probable that there will be a growth in alternative energy occupations - for example, the number of technicians required to service wind turbines has been projected to increase by double its current figures by 2024.

Data Analysis

Data is everywhere in our modern society, with more and more people using smartphones and mobile technology to access search engines and social media. All of this usage generates a host of key consumer data which can be used by businesses and companies up and down the country to improve their business decisions and strategies. It is therefore predicted that the number of mathematicians, statisticians and data analysts who can process the wealth of figures that is being produced will increase rapidly over the next 10 years.

Medical Secretaries

As mentioned before, the aging population of the USA will result in an increase in demand on medical services and therefore the medical secretarial industry is likely to see a huge boosts. The number of available positions in this sector has been projected to grow by a fifth in the period leading up to 2024, a growth rate which is faster than that predicted for the entire American job market overall.

Communication And Media Industries

The communication and media industries are thriving in today's media hungry world and this demand is only going to increase over the decade to come. It is therefore easy to see why the number of employees required to staff these industries has been projected to grow by 22%, including behind the scenes roles centered around producing printed media, television programs and online content. The reason behind much of this increase lies in the expansion of video content being produced by online and mobile platforms as well as the ever growing selection of television channels.

Biomedical Engineering

Over recent years, there have been countless advances in medical technology, and therefore the demand for biomedical engineers is predicted to dramatically increase over the next 10 years. By using the latest cutting edge technology to improve health care practices and tools, biomedical engineers are required to design artificial organs and prosthetic limbs as well as to carry out and publish new medical research in the field. The demands of an aging population only increases the need for more workers in this sector.

Opticians And Optometrists

The aging US population is also the reason behind the predicted increase in the number of dispensing opticians and optometrists which will be required over the years to come. As problems with sight are more common in the elderly, there will be a boost in the demand for contact lenses and glasses as well as a need for more professionals to diagnose vision problems and to prescribe the appropriate corrective lenses. The number of opticians is likely to grow by 23% while the number of optometrists required is projected to increase by 27% by 2024.

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Tuesday 3 January 2017

IT Jobs in Germany For Foreigners

IT Jobs in Germany For Foreigners

IT Jobs in Germany For Foreigners. The German IT sector is a thriving industry, so it is easy to see why it is such a popular choice among workers from overseas who are looking to relocate to Germany. The German economy is one of the biggest in Europe, however the nation is still suffering from a lack of qualified IT staff.

This means that many of the German work permits issued every year are to those who are employed in the computing sector. There is a particularly strong demand in Germany's IT market for workers in the computer network equipment industry, however there is also strong demand within many other categories in the industry too. If you are interested in finding IT jobs in Germany for foreigners, this article will help you to find out more about applying for positions within the sector.

Who Can Work In German IT Jobs?

If you are a qualified IT professional from inside the EU, you do not need to obtain any special visa or permission to obtain relevant employment in Germany. You will simply have to register your personal details at the Einwohnermeldeamt when you arrive in the country and then register again at the Immigration Office.

You will only be required to present your passport together with a small fee and you can then work freely within the country. Anyone who is not from an EU country will be required to obtain the appropriate work visa in order to relocate to Germany. Usually, you will have to have already obtained a firm offer of employment with a German company and will have to have relevant qualifications in your profession in order to be granted a permit.

Overseas candidates must also be able to demonstrate their willingness and ability to integrate into German society by having a working knowledge of the German language as well as financial means to support yourself in the country.

Types Of IT Jobs In Germany

The German IT sector is very large and there is demand across a wide range of job types. Some of the main employment areas include:

Software development


SAP Administration

Network security

System engineering

Which Qualifications Are Required For IT Jobs In Germany

Although there are no specific IT qualifications necessary to obtain access to the IT sector in Germany, each individual position will have its own requirements.

Most companies will expect applications to have relevant professional qualifications which may be vocational or academic in the form of an undergraduate degree (or higher). Relevant experience within the industry is also very important, and some companies may give greater weight to this element of your application than your qualifications if you can show that you have a considerable track record within your field. Of course it is important to bear in mind that you will also require at a minimum a working knowledge of the German language, both in its spoken and written form, and preferably you should be a fluent speaker.

While an exotic language, such as one of the many Asian languages, can be a selling point as an overseas applicant, English language skills are unlikely to benefit you as so many German citizens already have very strong English skills.

Where To Find IT Jobs In Germany

As the German IT sector is so large, it is very easy to find vacant positions advertised online. There are both general job websites and sector specific websites that advertise relevant positions and many of these sites also allow online applications, making the process quick and easy.

Sites such as TechnoJobs and offer a comprehensive list of appropriate positions across the length and breadth of the country, allowing IT professionals to find a job that meets their skillset without any difficulty. Large companies such as Microsoft are also big employers within the German IT market and could be approached directly to see if there are any suitable vacancies.

How to Apply for German IT jobs

Attention to detail is essential when applying for IT jobs in Germany. CVs and application forms must be professionally presented and factually accurate with clearly outlined experience and skills to give yourself the best chance of success. You should always take the time to tailor your covering letter and CV to the individual position that you are applying for.

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Monday 2 January 2017

Best Marketing Jobs in Canada

Best Marketing Jobs in Canada

Best Marketing Jobs in Canada. Canada's marketing industry is a source of excellent employment for those with the right skills and experience. If you are an outgoing person with good analytical skills and a knowledge of market trends, the Canadian marketing sector could be the ideal field of work for you and, although the Canadian job market is very competitive, a well written and targeted resume can open the doors to some of the best marketing jobs in Canada.

Types Of Canadian Marketing Roles

There are several different roles available for candidates applying for marketing jobs in Canada. Some of the available career paths include:

Marketing Specialists - this is a very common job type which involves creating and designing marketing campaigns to boost the sales of a company's services and products. By researching the most popular current trends and determining the kinds of services and products that consumers are most interested in, they develop reports and sales presentations about pricing, competition and product trends to help shape the company's sales tactics.

Social Media Management - a social media manager is responsible for handling a firm's social media marketing campaign by updating content regularly with up to date posts and information. A major part of the rule is the development of brand awareness as well as the generation of sales and leads. Social media managers also engage influencers and followers and track trends.

SEO Specialists - Search Engine Optimization Specialists improve a company's search engine ranking for their website by choosing targeted keywords and adopting SEO tactics like optimizing tags, titles and headings, and improving website design to enhance users' experiences.

Email Marketing Management - this role involves marketing services and products through marketing campaigns and managing email contact lists for a business. They also create marketing materials for sending to customers.

Web Content Production - a web content writer will provide up to date website content through marketing copy and blog posts in the aim of increasing the number of visitors it receives.

Web Producer - web producers create and implement a website's digital content including video, audio and graphics to enhance the user's experience.

Product Management - a product manager is responsible for overseeing a product's development from beginning to end. They design products built on existing ideas as well as develop brand new ideas based on their experience of the industry and contact with the company's customers. They are also responsible for completing the product on time and within the required budget while increasing the company's profitability.

Marketing Analysis - marketing analysts analyze a company's marketing campaigns by evaluating current market trends, gathering information and examining buying trends in order to develop a company's marketing plan.

Advertising Co-coordinator - an advertising co-coordinator supports a company's marketing effort, assisting with marketing projects for both electronic and printed media. They devise and coordinate marketing campaigns, schedule adverts and promotions, update and maintain customer databases and support the sales team.

Qualifications To Enter The Canadian Marketing Sector

If you are interested in working in the Canadian marketing sector, there are certain qualifications which will be extremely helpful in your job search. A degree in Business Leadership, Market Communications or Multimedia Design would be very valuable as well as strong computing skills, including knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite and video editing software. Strong communications skills are a must, preferably in both French and English languages and the ability to work well both as part of a team and independently is essential. Many jobs require applicants to have some experience in a related industry, with two years prior experience of marketing being a requirement in many cases.

How To Find The Best Marketing Jobs In Canada

The best place to begin your search for a marketing job in Canada is to go online. Many general job sites such as and list marketing roles, however there are also several sites that specialize in listing current marketing vacancies. These include the CMA (Canadian Marketing Association) website and the Media Job Search website. Networking is one of the best ways to find job leads in the marketing sector as numerous vacancies are never advertised. It is therefore important to try to forge connections with other marketing professionals through attending conferences and other events aimed at employees within the sector and registering with LinkedIn where you may be able to make contact with people who can help you to gain introductions to employers.

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Friday 23 December 2016

Consulting Jobs In UK

Consulting Jobs In UK

Consulting Jobs In UK. A consultant is someone who offers expert professional advice in their own special field of expertise to individuals and companies. They are there to offer assistance or extra support that their client is unable to provide for themselves, charging a fee to the client for their unique services. Operating on an independent basis, a consultant's role is to help the firm to reach their chosen objective by advising on the best method of achieving the desired result and helping the business' management team to implement strategies with this goal in mind. A consultant can bring an objective view to a problem that the business is experiencing and with their in-depth knowledge of their industry they will be able to point the company in the direction of an appropriate solution without being bound by internal company politics, taking decisions that the company's management are unwilling or unable to make.

What Types Of Consulting Jobs Are There In The UK?

A consultant may work within a consultancy company or may operate independently as a freelance contractor. There are around 300,000 consulting jobs in the UK in various fields, with around 63,000 of those positions being in the field of management consultancy. The main areas in which you will find consulting jobs in the UK are as follows:

Strategy Consultancy - a high level role focusing on strategic areas such as organisational strategy, economic policies, governmental policies and functional strategies.

Management Consultancy - sometimes known as an organizational adviser or business consultant, this role focuses on organizational concerns.

Operations Consultancy - a consultant with a focus on helping clients to improve their operation's performance offering hands on support with many areas of their organization such as production, marketing sales, financial operations, legal matters or even ICT.

Financial Consultancy - a financial advisory consultant deals with the financial capability of a company and often also the business' analytical capabilities too. This branch of consultancy tends to deal with tax, real estate, restructuring and risk management.

HR Consultancy - this role involves dealing with human capital problems within an organization, offering advice on how to improve the performance of the company's human resources department. Main areas of focus include advising on employment terms, talent management and organizational change.

IT Consultancy - a digital or ICT consultant operates with a focus on assisting clients to apply and develop IT within their business. Most IT consultants focus on implementation projects and system integrations as well as data analytics, IT forensics and cyber security issues.

Qualifications Required To Become A Consultant

Although there are no official qualifications required to become a consultant in the UK and, in theory, anyone can set themselves up as a freelance consultant, in practice you must have a fairly extensive level of expertise and knowledge within your chosen field. Most consultants have worked in their industry for some considerable time at a high level and have a track record of resolving business related problems and improving the performance of their company. Most successful consultants will have a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in their field of expertise, for example in business management, and many of the most successful candidates will also have a postgraduate qualification in their discipline, usually a MBA. There are also some courses, approved and accredited by the International Council for Management Consultancy Institutes, offered by the Institute of Consulting which may also help candidates to obtain a consultancy job in the UK.

Where To Find Consulting Jobs In The UK

There are many places that you can begin your search for a consultancy job in the UK. The internet is a ripe source of employment opportunities, with many general job sites advertising vacancies all over the UK with a broad spectrum of different firms. Many higher level consulting jobs are also advertised in mainstream British newspapers like The Guardian. Many consultants prefer to register with one of the specialist consultancy agencies across the country that recruit talented consultants to work with companies all over the UK. Companies such as Mindbench and Freshminds match consultants with suitable experience and qualifications with vacancies in many different fields including management consultancy, IT consultancy and operational consultancy. If you are a recent graduate with an interest in becoming an entry level management consultant, you may be able to take the internship route.

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Thursday 15 December 2016

How To Find a Job in USA as a Foreigner

How To Find a Job in USA as a Foreigner

How To Find a Job in USA as a Foreigner. Living and working in the USA is the dream of many people, but unfortunately it can be quite difficult to make that dream come true. To be offered a visa to the USA, you will first need to be offered employment with an American company, and while this can be quite challenging to accomplish, it is not impossible. Here is a basic guide to how to find a job in USA as a foreigner.

Obtaining An American Visa

It is only possible to enter the USA legally by obtaining the appropriate visa. There are two types of employment visa that you may be eligible for if you gain employment in America:
A Temporary Working Visa which allows the applicant to enter the USA for a specific period of time for a particular purpose. With this visa type, the holder must return to their home country once the period of the visa elapses and they can only do the specific job that they came to the country to do.
A Permanent (Immigrant) Working Visa which enables the applicant to work and live permanently in the country.
To obtain either of these visa types you will need to have already secured an offer of employment with an American business.

Where To Find A Job In The USA

You have several options when it comes to finding a sponsored job in the USA that will enable you to relocate to the country. Here are some of the most tried and tested methods:

Classified sections of newspapers - most of the biggest and best American newspapers have online editions which advertise current vacancies. The jobs which are advertised in these publications tend to be for higher level positions such as academic roles.

Online - the internet is perhaps your most important tool when it comes to job hunting in the USA. Many job sites now allow online applications meaning that you can submit your application even if you do not live in the country. The majority of online recruitment portals allow you to make a customized search within specific regions and job sectors. Another possibility is to place your CV on several general job websites which allows companies that are searching for specific skills to find and contact you. Sites such as, and are all good places to start your job search, although Craigs List is another good alternative.

Private recruitment agencies - there are several private job agencies online which have a key role in supplying skilled workers to the American labor market. These are a great option if you are looking for a senior position or a post that requires specific qualifications. Search for an agency which specializes in your industry sector and submit your CV. It will then be made available to employers who are searching for candidates that match your profile.

Speculative application - If there is a particular company that you have an interest in working for, you could search for their website and check to see if they are currently hiring. Even if there are no current vacancies, it could still be worth sending a speculative application as this is common practice in the USA. Submit your American-style CV and application letter stating your strengths and skills to the firm's personnel department and you may find that they will contact you before the advertise for a similar position to be filled.

Network - perhaps the best way of finding a job in the USA is to use your network of contacts. Before you even think about relocating to America, you should try to form a wider network by using sites like LinkedIn to meet other people within your industry and to make contact with those who may be able to help you to find a suitable position. If you have friends or family living in the USA, they may be well placed to help you secure employment and will be better able to find jobs through a range of other methods that require you to have a physical presence in the country, for example by searching through local newspapers.

Which Skills Are Necessary To Find A Job In The USA As A Foreigner

Of course, the necessary skills you will require depend on the type of job that you are applying for, but in any case you will almost certainly need at least a basic working grasp of written and spoken English, good inter-personal skills and a reasonable standard of high school education. A higher level degree or specific industry qualifications would be a strong advantage.

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